Library Tool (doc)

Tipitaka Khmer

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Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana Tipitaka

A message and email solution for Venerable's Sangha, your Parisa or Upasaka's community in Dhamma: May one make use of the given "Sangha-messager": Download app here . More infos see here . មិនទាន់មានកម្មវិធីផ្ញើសារទេ? ទាញយកសារហារីសង្ឃ

Dear visitor!

This documentation was kindly porvided by , the current programmer of your helpful tool here. For more information in this regard, please visit the topic TinyPortal Dokumentation - ThinyPortal Documentation [translation] in our Forum.

You are kindly invited to make use of it and if you feel inspired to develop it further and custumize it also a little for our purposes, please feel invited and let us know. If you like to do some translations into German, your are welcome to help in this regard. The original source can be found here:

TP 1.0.*

This is the documentation for TinyPortal Version 1.05, unofficially released on 4/1/08 as part of a April Fools joke. However the Official Release was on 4/5/08.

Major changes from previous version: added panels, major article enhancements, block enhancements, blockcodes, modules, plugins, and SMF theme useage (TP theme no longer required)...

Articles in « Documentation Library tool (TinyPortal) »

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