To begin, go to "
Admin > Tiny Portal > Articles". You will have several options as follows:
Hide the edit article link under articles?
Allow reporting of articles?
Re-approval of edited articles?
Use visual verification for comments in articles?
Max rating:
- [textarea] Enter in a single max rating number you want from 3-100.
Show stars instead of numbers
Doc Written By: Xarcell
To begin, go to "
Admin > Tiny Portal > Panels & Blocks > Settings + Blocks". You will have several options as follows:
Hide the block edit link?
Reset blocks to default?
Padding inside blocks:
- [textarea] Enter in the amount of pixels providing empty space around the edges inside your block.
Margin outside blocks:
- [textarea] Enter in the amount of pixels providing empty space around the edges outside of your block.
Doc Written By: Xarcell
To begin, go to "
Admin > Tiny Portal > Settings > Frontpage". You will have several options as follows:
Allow guests to see news from the news board - even if guests are not allowed to see the board?
- Yes: user's will get to see it, regardless of your SMF setting.
- No: user's will "not" get to see it, regardless of your SMF setting.
What to show on front page:
- Only forum-posts:
- Forum-posts and articles - sorted on date:
- Only articles:
- Featured article and front page blocks:
- Front page blocks:
- Go directly to forum index:
How frontblocks will be shown:
- Normal, frontblocks are shown alone
- Frontblocks are added first
- Frontblocks are added last
Visual options for frontpage (disabled in Single Page option):
- Left side blocks
- Right side blocks
- Upper blocks
- Lower blocks
- Top blocks
- Bottom blocks
Articles layout for the front page:
Show forum-posts on front page from:
- There will be 5 "dropdown lists" of boards to choose from. Selection of any of the boards will make the latest topic of that board appear on your frontpage.
Number of forum-posts to show on front page:
- This is related to the previous setting. Whatever number you decide, is the number of posts that will appear on your frontpage from the boards you selected in the previous setting.
Number of characters to show per forum-post:
- This setting controls the length of your forum posts on the frontpage from the previous 2 settings. This way, the posts on the frontpage don't get outrageously long if the original post is long.
Once you have finished with your frontpage settings, just click save and your done!
Doc Written By: Xarcell
To begin, go to "
Admin > Tiny Portal > Panels & Blocks > Settings + Panels". You will have several options as follows:
Hide panels when in admin section?
Hide panels when in these sections:
- Yes | No - Profile screen:
- Yes | No - Personal Messages screen:
- Yes | No - Memberlist screen:
- Yes | No - Search screen:
- Yes | No - Calendar screen:
Hide panels when in custom actions:
( separate the actions with comma.
For example: "gallery,arcade,shop" )
- [textarea] This is similar to the previous option above, but for added modules not on that list.
Padding between panels:
- [textarea] Enter in the amount of pixels providing empty space around the outside of your panels.
To begin, go to "
Admin > Tiny Portal > Panels & Blocks > Panelside + Panels". You will have several options as follows:
Panel [panelside] Settings: (ex: left, right, top , etc)
- Use [panelside] panel:
- Hide [panelside] panel when in forum?:
- Show the blocks vertically(default)
- Show the blocks horizontally
- Show the blocks according to a grid
- margin to the left of panel:
- margin to the right of panel:
- margin to the bottom of panel:
- margin to the top of panel:
Doc Written By: Xarcell
To begin, go to "
Admin > Tiny Portal > Settings & Frontpage". You will have several options as follows:
TP maintenance mode?
Set Fixed Width:
- [textarea] Enter the number of pixels you want the width, or use 0 for 100% width.
Show userinfo/news at the top
Use the WYSIWYG editor?:
- No
- After this will be a listing of all editor plugins to select from.
Image directory for image uploads through editor:
- one for all
- one by GroupID
- one by UserID
Doc Written By: Xarcell