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Topic Summary

Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: April 09, 2024, 06:40:19 AM »

Posted by: អរិយវង្ស
« on: April 08, 2024, 10:02:31 PM »

 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

22/05/2007 Vibol Birthday 2024.
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: April 08, 2024, 08:01:57 PM »

Visākha Pūjā, ពិសាខបូជា will be held on 22. Mai this year.
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: April 21, 2023, 02:55:31 PM »

Visākha Pūjā, ពិសាខបូជា will be held on 4. Mai this year.

Thailand, and maybe other countries as well, moved the "fest of Month Visakha" to the next month celebrating "Jettha Pūjā", on 3. June.
Posted by: អរិយវង្ស
« on: March 16, 2022, 08:44:28 PM »

សាធុ សាធុ សាធុ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: March 16, 2022, 11:14:33 AM »

Visākha Pūjā, ពិសាខបូជា will be held on15. Mai this year.
Posted by: អរិយវង្ស
« on: April 22, 2021, 04:11:06 PM »

Mudita _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: April 22, 2021, 10:01:39 AM »

Visākha Pūjā, ពិសាខបូជា will be held on 26. April this year.

(Thailand seems to hold on it on 26. May, next after Visakha-month)
Posted by: Mohan Gnanathilake
« on: March 01, 2020, 12:39:04 PM »

I wish everyone an insightful Wesak festival in advance.

Im Voraus wünsche ich allen ein aufschlussreiches Wesakfest.

Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: March 01, 2020, 12:15:47 PM »

ពិសាខបូជា  Vesākha Pūjā falls on the 6. Mai for the Mahanikaya and the 7. Mai for Dhammayuttikanikaya.
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: May 18, 2019, 02:09:22 PM »

Aramika   *

Ein oder mehrer Beiträge wurden hier im Thema abgeschnitten und damit in neues Thema "Some words on  "Vesakh-pūjā" ពិសាខបូជា " eröffnet, dem angehäng.
One or more posts have been cut out of this topic here. A new topic, based on it, has been created as "Some words on  "Vesakh-pūjā" ពិសាខបូជា " or attached there.
Posted by: Ieng Puthy
« on: April 25, 2019, 12:31:50 PM »

🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻សាធុ សាធុ សាធុ
Posted by: Dhammarāgato
« on: April 24, 2019, 07:10:46 PM »

 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

សាធុ​ ​សាធុ សាធុ

 _/\_  _/\_ _/\_
Posted by: អរិយវង្ស
« on: April 24, 2019, 04:07:21 PM »

សាធុ​ ​សាធុ សាធុ  _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: April 24, 2019, 03:41:17 PM »

[⇪Language/Sprache/ភាសា ]

Visakha-Pūjā (lit. "Hingabe/Opfer im Monat Visakha") fällt dieses Jahr (2019/2563), auf:

18. Mai Mahā-Nikāya (lit. "Große Gruppe") und Dhammayuttika-Nikāya (lit."Im Einklang mit dem Dhamma Gruppe")

Mögen alle eine Segenreiche und Andächtige Feier unter vorzüglichen Freunden oder in Zurückgezogenheit, mit Inerinnerungrufen des Buddhas, seinen Tugenden, (Buddhānussati verbringen können. Mögen die Devas die Feste und Reisen der Menschenwesen begleiten und alle Lebewesen beschützen. Mögen alle segenreiche Verdienste, Pfade und Früchte, bis zur höchsten Befreiung erlangen.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

"Da ist der Fall, in dem Ihr Euch dem Tathagata wiedererinnert: 'Wahrlich, der Befreite ist würdig und rechtens Selbst-Erwacht, vollkommen in Wissen und Verhalten, gut-fortgeschritten, ein Kenner im Bezug auf die Welt, unübertroffener Zügler, für jene Leute, die bereit sind gezügelt zu werden, der Lehrer von himmlischen und menschlichen Wesen, erwacht, gesegnet.' Zu jeder Zeit, wenn ein Schüler der Noblen, sich den Tathagata in Erinnerung ruft, ist sein Geist nicht vereinnahmt von Begierde, nicht vereinnahmt von Ablehnung, nicht vereinnahmt von Verwirrung. Sein Geist richtet sich gerade, begründet auf den Tathagata. Und wenn der Geist gerade ausgerichtet ist, gewinnt der Schüler der Noblen einen Sinn von Ziel, erlangt einen Sinn von Dhamma, erlangt Freude verbunden mit dem Dhamma. In einem der erfreut ist, kommt Entzücken auf. In einem der Entzückt ist, wird der Körper gestillt. Einer, dessen Körper gestillt ist, nimmt Entspannung wahr. In einem, der entspannt ist, gelangt der Geist zur Konzentration.

"Von einem, der dies tut, Mahanama, wird gesagt: 'Unter jenen, die verstimmt sind, verweilt der Schüler der Noblen gestimmt, unter jenen, die böswillig sind, verweilt er ohne Böswilligkeit, den Strom des Dhammas erreicht, entwickelt er die Wiedererinnerung an den Buddha.'

Visakha-Pūjā (lit. "Devotion/Sacrifice in the month of Visakha") falls this year (2019/2563) on:

18. May Mahā-Nikāya (lit. "Great Group") and Dhammayuttika-Nikāya (lit."In line of the Dhamma Group")

May all be able to spend an auspicious and reflect-full fest with admiral friends or in seculsion by recalling in mind the Buddha, his virtues (Buddhānussati. May the Devas attend the human beings on their celebrations and travels and by all beings be well protected. May all gain highest metits, paths and fruits, up to the highest liberation.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

"There is the case where you recollect the Tathagata: 'Indeed, the Blessed One is worthy and rightly self-awakened, consummate in knowledge & conduct, well-gone, an expert with regard to the world, unexcelled as a trainer for those people fit to be tamed, the Teacher of divine & human beings, awakened, blessed.' At any time when a disciple of the noble ones is recollecting the Tathagata, his mind is not overcome with passion, not overcome with aversion, not overcome with delusion. His mind heads straight, based on the Tathagata. And when the mind is headed straight, the disciple of the noble ones gains a sense of the goal, gains a sense of the Dhamma, gains joy connected with the Dhamma. In one who is joyful, rapture arises. In one who is rapturous, the body grows calm. One whose body is calmed experiences ease. In one at ease, the mind becomes concentrated.

"Of one who does this, Mahanama, it is said: 'Among those who are out of tune, the disciple of the noble ones dwells in tune; among those who are malicious, he dwells without malice; having attained the stream of Dhamma, he develops the recollection of the Buddha.'

វិសាខបុយា ថ្នាំ ព.ស.​ ២៥៦៣/២០១៩ :

ខែពិសាខ ទី ១៨ មហា និកាយ និង​ ធម្មយុត្តិក និកាយ

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

បពិត្រ​មហានាម អរិយសាវ័ក រលឹក​នូវ​តថាគត​ក្នុង​សម័យណា អរិយសាវ័ក​នោះ ឥត​មានរាគៈ​រួបរឹត​ចិត្តបាន ឥតមាន​ទោសៈ​រួបរឹត​ចិត្តបាន ឥតមាន​មោហៈ​រួបរឹត​ចិត្តបាន ក្នុង​សម័យនោះ ចិត្ត​របស់​អរិយសាវ័ក​នោះ ជាចិត្តត្រង់​ ក្នុង​សម័យនោះ បពិត្រ​មហានាម លុះ​អរិយសាវ័ក មាន​ចិត្តត្រង់ ប្រារព្ធ​នូវ​តថាគត​ហើយ រមែង​បាន​សេចក្តី​យល់​នូវអត្ថ សេចក្តី​យល់​នូវធម៌ មាន​សេចក្តី​រីករាយ ប្រកប​ដោយធម៌ កាលបើ​អរិយសាវ័ក មាន​ចិត្ត​រីករាយ​ហើយ បីតិ តែង​កើតឡើង កាលបើ​អរិយសាវ័ក​ មានចិត្ត​ប្រកប​ដោយ​បីតិហើយ កាយ​ក៏ស្ងប់​រម្ងាប់ លុះ​អរិយសាវ័ក មាន​កាយ​ស្ងប់រម្ងាប់​ហើយ តែង​បានទទួល​នូវ​សេចក្តី​សុខ កាលបើ​អរិយសាវ័ក មាន​សេចក្តី​សុខ​ហើយ ចិត្តក៏បាន​តាំងនៅល្អ។ បពិត្រ​មហានាម អរិយសាវ័ក​នេះ តថាគត ហៅថា​ អ្នកដល់​នូវការ​ស្មោះស្មើ ក្នុងពួក​សត្វ​ដែលមិន​ស្មោះស្មើ អ្នក​មិនមាន​ព្យាបាទ ក្នុងពួក​សត្វដែល​មាន​សេចក្តី​ព្យាបាទ អ្នកដល់​នូវខ្សែ​នៃធម៌ តែងចំរើន​នូវ​ពុទ្ធានុស្សតិ។
Quote from: អង្គុត្តរនិកាយ ទសកនិបាត ទ្វាទសមភាគ ភាគ ៥១, ទុតិយវគ្គ ទី២, បឋមមហានាមសូត្រ ទី១;dl=item559
