Danilo ,
Moritz Sadhu!
I only saw two images with source containing "Access%20to%20Insight_arquivos". Is now fixed.
My person guesses that a certain html-editor was used, which might not be able to translate "wrong" relative paths. "./{}.html" or "{}.html" or "../../{}.html" of which browsers might compensate (Atma has no idea of which way is the right, it just worked)
The indesx-files content is now under: <div id="H_content_untranslated"> and should be <div id="H_content"> so that black texts, not gray (this id is just used for pages not translated)
Missing translation menu:
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Translation info:
<div id="H_docAuthorTransInfo">Tanslation into Portuguese: (<a class="zzelink" href="./../../../cowork.html" target="zzelink" title="Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, Ihre Übersetzung hier beizutragen oder bei den Arbeiten hier zu helfen.">Info</a>)</div>
<div id="H_docAuthorTrans">Mr. Danilo</div>
<div id="H_docAuthorTransAlt">Alternate translation: <a href="">none yet</a></div>
<div id="H_copyright"><a href="#F_termsOfUse" title="See the scope of this gift, its origin and its purpose in detail"><img width="8" src="./../../../img/d2.png" alt="[dana/©]" class='cd'/> 2018</a></div>
<div id="H_altFormat">Alternate format: <a class='imgLink' href="wisdomoverjustice_pt.pdf" title="Download a pdf-file (17 S./452KB)"><img src="./../../../img/pdf_24x18.gif" alt='[PDF icon]' height='16' /></a> </div>
Certain hover texts
<div id="H_homage">
<div id="H_meta1"><div id="H_homagetext"><a class="homagelink" href="./../../../homage_en.html" target="offsite" title="Homage, gratitude and making conscious. For more important information in this regard, feel invited to follow this link.">- Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa -</a></div></div>
Doc-info... many other small things, best made one time over all files.
Italic: there are serial other places where italic is used in the text, to give mainly relativation in regard of is, be... like "If we insisted on a system of kamma that
did guarantee justice...", but also pali-word. See < em>-tag in source-code: There is no need to focus on that, just if wishing. If willing to read and translate this or that, this carries possible more joy and more benefit. If ten recources are left, they can be given into making all more smoot and technical better. Some may have joy in giving there skill into that... so focusing on technical things is of cource great merit, but doing only that, without having developed the path by hearing the good Dhamma, will not lead to deathlessness. What ever work is of course a good hobby, livelihood for the mind.