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On the Bhikkhunī Ordination Controversy, by Bhikkhu Anālayo
- Filesize: 0.501 Mb
- Views: 1006
- Downloads: 187
- Created: September 09, 2015, 12:02:06 AM
- Last accessed: September 04, 2024, 04:23:57 AM
In the Theravàda tradition the lineage of bhikkhunis died out some thousand years ago. Present day attempts to revive this lineage meet with opposition. In what follows I examine arguments raised by opponents to the revival of bhikkhuni ordination. I begin with the legal aspect, followed by taking up the question whether a revival of an order of bhikkhunis is desirable.
A topic and discussion in the forum, related to the article, you find here: On the Bhikkhunī Ordination Controversy, by Bhikkhu Anālayo