[Original post:]
Bhante placed all correct back, having taken his things, Venerated, asked for pardon for what he might not see as well and took correct leave.
Adviced to go to his preceptor at Wat Sambok Andeit, ask him to leave and study at Wat Cham Cha, take there proper Sampadā and train foremost Vinaya within a Sangha used to Uposatha-kamma.
Of course welcome, as soon as well and clean, and most fearful in regard of the three Governing Principles, for else he has no more burden to bear. Meaning from the 'wild' into 'prison' to cut off the basic defilements first.
May he get not lost and be able to follow the advices, meaning victory over defilements and luring conceit.
Shortly after, Bhante returned, told that he had forwarded tonics, told that he had told the story of having been dismissed, took also leave of his preceptor. Cross questioned, not capable to give a normal answer. Asked to fetch his alm-bow, given also additional tonics and medicine, he desired to walk north-ward and rejected urge to seek dwelling at Wat Cham Cha or elsewhere, didn't what to wait that Upasaka maybe give him a support in travel.
After short talk and no way of getting to mind yet, he was again advised to focus just on Kāyagatāsati, not part-take on anything else then Vinaya and knowing the body, the breath.
May Bhante soon and best protected, win over of what he actually knows being the hindrance of accepting governing principles, either Self, Admirable friends or the Dhamma-Vinaya, or all three together: Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha, within the path, Muttodaya .
Of course, tellings have to be taken always with care, as not seldom just businesses or bad intended by people, or just for evil fun, yet nevertheless an inspiration, a useful perception to increase faith (if beyond single person).
Nyom Chanroths wife, while giving almsfood this morning, told that she was told by others that Bhante had been seen "up there" on a rock in meditation while two snake safeguard him, dwelling right and left of him.
May it be support for perfect reflections toward own effort, and toward the Gems anyway.
And if really the case it might be a sign that Bhante again had taken on the higher training, which serves for his and many's long term benefit. Yet disturbances are for sure in a highly tourist, adventures, political, and economy area as well.
After Bhante
Khemananda leave into the unknown, after seldom vage report that he had been seen on the Mount Aural, his relatives today got some pictures of him, dwelling at the middle station of the track up to the peak.
Given alms and tonics, the send villagers joyfully reported their successful task.
May all rejoice with their merits, and may Bhante nevertheless don't forget his main reason of his journey, stay in proper distance even if approached.
Images forwarded by Nyom
Sunheang (sister) some minutes ago.